Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

This is a retelling of Alice in Wonderland, and I think retellings (apparently 'retellings' is not a word. Then what is the plural of retelling! retellingi?) are amazing. So read it.

The first book chronicles how the evil Redd takes over Wonderland, and how Alyss of Wonderland and Hatter Madigan adventure through London, ultimately making their way back to Wonderland to free it from the evil clutches of Redd Heart. I haven't read it in a while, so I can't quite remember how it happens, but there are cats that fight hats, and chesspieces. That I can assure you of. Especially the cat bit. In fact, there is but one cat, named: Cat. And there are a few giant caterpillars. It's a weird book. But a good one.

It has sequels, and I will review them eventually.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We'll try this and if it works I'll go to the effort of writing something interesting, which wouldn't have been any harder than this now that I think of it, but it's too late (although G'ma Jackie says it's never too late, but what does she know, anyway). I would have written more if I had more time, but now that I've explained whyI don't have time, I don't. G'pa