Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Gone by Micheal Grant

One of my favorite dystopian books. Which is about equal to one of my favorite books.

Imagine you are in class. And then your teacher disappears.

That is about the pace that the start of this book follows. Most of the character development is how they react to the situation and the action that is taking place. And I like that. It makes the characters seem more real, and less of a standard "tough guy" or "leader" or "smart person" character role. The events are gripping and quite often do not end up badly, and half of the people in the book are insane. And not just "crazy", but clinically insane.

Oh, and they have superpowers. The story explains this slowly throughout the overarching plot line that is carried out through all of the many books. If you didn't catch on, the basic back story is that everyone over 15 dissapears, and so the remaining kids have to take care of their small portion of the world. This includes dealing with differences between the older kids, babies requiring care, 10 year olds going around and looting all of the good food, which happens to be the stuff that goes bad last, and dealing with the fact that there is a group of cutthroat super powered teenagers set lose on the city.

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