Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Speaker for the Dead

Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card

This is the second book in the Ender Quartet, after Enders Game although you don't need to read Enders Game. There is a bit before the actual book that is long and somewhat boring. Basically what it says is that Orson Scott Card originally had Enders Game as a short story, and Speaker for the Dead was to be the first book. But to make the book make sense, he had to put a long and somewhat boring chapter at the start. He then decided to put it at the back of Enders Game. But to make that make sense, Enders Game had to get longer and evolved into what it is today.

But back to the book. It begins 3,000 years after Enders Game, but thanks to the theory of relative space travel (that traveling near the speed of light, time works differently. For example, a voyage of two weeks in the space ship is equal to 22 years outside the space ship) Ender is still alive. All the bugger worlds and a few other ones have been colonized, and Ender the Xenocide is officially the most horrible person in all of history. Nobody knows  that Ender was the Speaker for the Dead who wrote the Hive Queen and the Hegamon, no one knows that the original Speaker and Ender were still alive. Also, there is a super-ansible-computer thing named Jane.

Most of the story takes a place on a Christian colony on a planet inhabited by piggies, the pig like third sentient beings in the known universe (humans, buggers, and piggies). And they speak Portuguese, so knowing that language is a big plus to reading this book.

Oh, and there's a third book called Xenocide.


The piggies have been spying on the humans and know that technology exists, but not how it works.
The descolada virus is vital to the survival of the planet. Read the book to see why.
The piggies were honoring Pipo and Libo when they got killed.
The Hive Queen gets a home and thrives and all that good stuff.

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