Saturday, June 9, 2012


Xenocide by Orson Scott Card

This is the sequel to Speaker for the Dead, which in turn is the sequel to Ender's Game, and the prequel to Children of the Mind.

This book is about religions and feelings and emotions and self sacrifice and philosophy and ethics and the like, which makes it very hard to review because writing about feelings is hard.

Anyways, the book is set on two planets, Lusitania and Path. Lusitania is home to a small colony of humans and the only existing buggers and piggies (two alien species) in the universe, and a deadly virus that may or may not be intelligent called the Descolada. The Descolada is essential to life for the piggies, but requires constant work to keep it from killing all the humans. Path is a religious world that worships gods and their messengers, the wise godspoken. To solve the problem of the Descolada, the Starways Congress launches a fleet to annihilate the Descolada and the world of it's origin. This is bad.

The fate of the only two known  sentient life forms in the galaxy rests on the shoulders of Jane, a hyper intelligent computer system. She can save the world by sacrificing herself, and that provides a very interesting plot. You should read the book. It is awesome.

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