Sunday, February 5, 2012

Arthas, Rise of the Lich King

Arthas, Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden

This is a very good book. It starts with a prologue that really doesn't make much sense, but the rest of the book is great. The main character is Arthas, Prince of Lorderon, and his adventures with Uther, his palladin trainer, against the orcs, and Jaina, his girlfriend. Arthas is sent to investigate a plague, which has horrible consequences, instantly killing all who contract it and turning them into mindless undead. He finds a runeblade called Frostmourne frozen in the arctic wastes of Northrend. Frostmourne, inhabited by the Lick King, is both a powerful weapon, and an unstoppable corrupting force.And any Warcraft player knows the rest...
And if you don't know, then pick up the book. It's very interesting.

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