Saturday, February 4, 2012

Warcraft Novels

This post isn't about a book, or some new big thing one the blog, it is to define a new genre label tag thing that I am going to be posting some things under. As you may have guessed, this genre is Warcraft Novels. If you are wondering what makes books under this category speciail, read on. The definition of a Warcraft Novel is any book based on Blizzards fantastic game series, Warcaft. If you have never heard of Warcraft, read the whole post, if you have heard of it, skip the next paragraph.

Just What Is Warcraft?

Warcraft is a big computer game that is very fun. I really can't give you much about Warcraft, or the second and third etc. ones, because I play the sequel, World of Warcraft (WoW).WoW is amazing, it is an MMORPG, which, for you non-gamers out there, stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Simply put, a game in which lots of people (a few million) are playing and interacting on one world, and that you control a character who runs around doing stuff. Think of it as a online fantasy book that you get to play a part in, along with millions of other people, battling all sorts of enemies, from docile boars, to kobolds, to vile cultists, demons, undead,  and dragons! You simply have to choose a race and class, and venture out for glory and honor. But enough about that, if you want to know more, go to The Site at Which You Will Know More About WoW At!

What are WoW Novels Like?

Now, you may think that WoW is one of those games that just goes and tells you to go kill stuff for no apparent reason. You would be gravely mistaken. WoW has an immense storyline, many historical figures (Deathwing, Archimonde, Thrall, and Uther the Lightbringer, just to name a few) and things. The books expand on these stories and histories. They are really quite interesting, and all the characters have emotions and stuff, not mindless video game characters who blast thing with fireballs. The plot is quite exciting, and they read just like your average fantasy book. Nobody I know that doesn't play the game has tried the game, but I think anyone would like them. But if you do play, then these books are a must read. You will be questing later and say to yourself, "Hey, I read about that guy!" Or you'll be reading and you will have these moments were you realize that you've actually walked to the exact same spot on your pally or whatever class you play. It feels awesome.

Well, thats all for now. I'll post about one of these books tomorrow, but I gotta go do something now.

EDIT-- Looking back on this post, I realize that I am wrong, WoW is one of those games that tells you to go kill stuff for no reason. I was sort of obsessed with it. Sorry.

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