Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

This is a most hilarious book. It is set on Earth, and follows the adventures of one Arthur Dent, who likes tea but is relatively unremarkable. He learns that his house is going to be demolished to make space for a highway, and he isn't happy about it. So he lays in front of the bulldozer. All morning. Until his friend, Ford Prefect comes to show him something, somewhere else. However, Arthur reasons that he can't, because he has to keep the people from destroying his house. Eventually, Ford convinces the destruction team that they don't actually need Arthur to lie in the mud, and he can go do something while they lie in the mud. So they go of the get a drink, and Ford informs Arthur that the Earth is about to explode. Then it does. The end.

No, actually, they hitch a ride on the Vogon ship that blew up the planet. Then they are expelled out of an airlock. Then they died.

No, actually, something else happens involving penguins. But I won't tell you, because then you won't read it. So read the book. But I'll tell you that it involves an improbability drive. And a two headed three armed alien.

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